Premium features

Some Piwigo features are not available to all customers.

Here is the list of features that are "restricted" on certain offers.

Special file import .ai, .psd, .tif, .tiff, .pdf, .svg, .eps
Administrators' activity history (additions, deletions, etc.) Administration : Users > Manage > Activity

Premium Plugins

Piwigo's basic features are enhanced with extensions called plugins. Some plugins are available to all customers, others are only available for certain offers.

Here is a summary of the plugins available in each plan.

<aside> ℹ️ If you are looking for a particular plugin, do a Ctrl+F (Cmd+F on Mac) on this page and search for the name of the plugin in question.


Add <head> element Add code in the <head> section of your pages (add custom javascript)
Additional Pages Add additional pages to your gallery
Admin Tools Allow administrators to perform some administration tasks from the gallery (photo editing, album editing...)
Advanced Menu Manager Customize the gallery menu in a more advanced way
AlwaysShowMetadata Always display photos metadata on the gallery.
Antiaspi Prevent hackers from sucking content from Piwigo. Allows to ban IP addresses if abusive access is detected.
AStat.2 Access advanced statistics on your gallery usage
Automatic Size Change the default file size displayed according to the screen size. Not compatible with Modus and Bootstrap Darkroom themes
Back2Front Display an alternative version of a photo: like the back of a card, before and after...
Batch Downloader Allow users to download a selection of photos in a batch as a Zip file.
Batch Manager Prefilters Add new filters in batch management
Batch Manager, Photo Description Add a new filter "With/without description" in the batch management
BBCode Bar Be able to format the text in the comments
Birthdate Add a date of birth to a tag: allows you to give an age to the photos.
Bootstrap Default Language Switch Change the language from the Bootstrap themes submenu
Color Palette Be able to extract colors from a photo and search for photos by color
Colored Tags Associate a tag with a color
Comments Blacklist Define a list of forbidden words in the comments
Comments on albums Be able to add a comment on an album page
Contact 1 menu Add the Contact page to the menu (requires installing ContactForm)
Contact form Add a Contact page with a form
Cookie consent Add a banner on the site to inform the visitor (cookies, disclaimer...)
Copyrights Manage copyrights on photos
Crypto Captcha Add a captcha on the forms (comments, contact, registration...)
Custom Download Link Add a big download button on the page of a photo
Delete Hit/Rate Purge the number of notes / views from one or more photos
Download by Size Allow visitors to choose the download size of a photo
Download Counter Display the number of downloads for each photo
Edit Filename Change the name of the file
Embedded Videos Insert videos from Youtube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Wat, Wideo...
Exif View Translate EXIF values into the language of the gallery
Exiftools GPS Find the GPS coordinates of a file when Piwigo has not found them.
Extended Description Enriches description management: add a short / long description on albums, multilingual descriptions...Adds also other customization options to your gallery: hide a photo / an album, insert on any page a login link, a slideshow, a photo, an album...
FCK Editor Add a Wysiwyg editor to customize the entered texts (bold, italic, styles...)
Fotorama Display another slideshow than the default one
Gthumb+ Change the thumbnail display on an album
Header Manager Access to advanced options to set up a banner on your gallery.
Hide Title on Browse Path Do not display the name of the photo on the breadcrumb trail
Image Preview Display the image when hovering over the thumbnail in the gallery.
IPTC from Mac Convert IPTC data written in MacRoman to UTF-8 encoding (to be activated if you have strange characters in your IPTC data)
Language Switch Change the language via flags on the gallery
Lightbox Display a photo in a lightbox instead of on a Photo page
Localfiles Editor Edit Piwigo files from the administration
Loupe Allows you to zoom in on a photo with the mouse cursor.
Menu Random Photo Add a menu item displaying a random photo
Menu Tags Add a menu tags when no related tags
meta Customize Meta tags (description, author, robots, keywords) for search engines
Metadata Open Graph Customize open graph metadata of pages for social networks
Mobile Theme for Tablets Apply mobile theme for tablets
Most Downloaded Add a "Most downloaded" section on the gallery; needs to activate the "Download counter" plugin
No Stats for Robots Do not count robots in statistics
OpenStreetMap Display photos on an OpenStreetMap
Panoramas Allows you to navigate in a panoramic image
Paypal Shopping Cart Sell photos with Paypal
Permalink Generator Generate a permalink per album automatically : allows to decorrelate the name of an album and its url
Perso Footer Customize the information displayed in the gallery footer
Personal Favicon Add a custom favicon to your gallery
Photo Update Be able to update the photo file from the administration without changing the properties
Piwishack Generate an iframe code to integrate photos on a blog, a website...
Posted Date Changer Change the date of addition of files to a selection
Private Share Generate a link to share a private file and send it by email to a person who does not have an account on your Piwigo.
Protect Notification Do not display the webmaster's email address in the notification emails
PWG Stuffs Various options to customize the gallery pages via blocks: login, tags, most viewed photos... Blocks can be visible or not depending on the users
Read Metadata Displays a preview of the metadata Piwigo is able to read from a photo.
Reset Manual Order Adds an option in the sorting order of the photos within an album.
rightclick Disable right-click on photos over a certain size
Rotate Image Rotate a photo or a selection of photos
RV Askimet Control spam in comments via the Askimet service
RV autocomplete Enable autocompletion in the search engine
RV Menu Tree Manage the album tree in the Albums menu
RV Thumb Scroller Load thumbnails asynchronously as you scroll on a page
ShareAlbum Generate a link to share a private album and send it by email to someone who does not have an account.
Show Photo Identifier Add the photo ID on the photo page
Social Buttons Add sharing buttons on social networks (Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Pinterest...)
Statistics Add an external script to track visits (Google Analytic, Matomo...)
Stop Spammers Manage anti-spam settings
Subscribe to Comments Be notified by email when a new comment is made on a photo/album (not compatible with the theme Bootstrap Darkroom)
Tag to Keyword Rename "tag" to "keyword
Take a tour of Piwigo Show a tour of Piwigo when an admin user logs in for the first time
Theme Switch Change theme easily on the gallery
Thumbnail Tooltip Customize the content of the tooltip displayed when you move the mouse over a photo in the gallery (not compatible wth Modus theme)
Title Customize the Meta Title tag of pages for search engines
URL Uploader Importing a photo from an external URL
VideoJS Manage video files
Add tags mass Add a list of tags at once instead of one by one
Add User Notes Allow administrators to add comments about users
Admin messages Allow administrators to add messages on the Piwigo administration homepage (to communicate with other administrators)
Batch Manager, Added By Add a new filter "added by" in the batch management
Community Allow non-admin users to add photos to Piwigo from the gallery
Download Permissions Set up album by album the possibility to download the photos or not
Export Data Export data to a spreadsheet (albums, photos, comments, downloads)
PDF2Tab Open PDF files in a new tab
Photo added by Add on each photo the information "Added by"
Quick Fav Add a photo to your favorites in one click (only for Bootstrap Darkroom theme)
See my photos Add a "My Photos" menu
See photos by user Add a menu to view photos by user
Upload 1 menu Add the "Add photos" menu in level 1 of the gallery (linked to the Community plugin)
Write Metadata Write photo properties (title, description, tags...) in IPTC metadata
User Custom Fields Add custom properties for users.